“Men at work and play” accepted for publication

I am still really weary from running that half marathon three days ago. (And we won’t talk about last night’s run.) But I’m feeling buoyant right now because in this morning’s email was an acceptance for one of my Fathers and Sons stories.

“Men at work and play” will appear in the next issue of Wolf Willow Journal, which will apparently make its appearance online tomorrow.

This is an important story in the cycle, even though not very much happens at all in the events I give. Three generations, knocking about the cabin, doing chores, a little fishing, a campfire, quiet closeness. It’s almost more of a vignette (or as I’ve seen disdainfully described lately, an anecdote but not a story). It is a kind of lens, collecting and focusing the lives that have come before in the stories of the cycle and foreshadowing many things that will come in the later stories. I intend to write a companion story for this called “Men at rest” that will parallel and fulfill much that is in this one.

I had sent “Men at work and play” off to this magazine based on a call for submissions with the theme of sanctuary, and the nurturing quality of the family cabin in these stories is something I have been trying to depict throughout. It seemed a good fit, and it was.

Interestingly, I’m actually going to be paid for this story: $20. (I hope that’s US dollars since the publication is based in Saskatchewan.) This is the third piece of my fiction that has earned me an income, so my bank account has swollen by $40.15. Woohoo! And it is the fourth of my Fathers and Sons stories to be published. I feel as though I’m getting some traction.

I’ll be sure to put up a link to the story when it appears.

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6 Comments on ““Men at work and play” accepted for publication”

  1. Lyra Says:

    Congratulations, Paul! Wonderful.

  2. Wendy Beach Says:

    Well done 🙂 Always a good feeling, well deserved too.

  3. Scott Blair Says:

    That is good news right enough. Congratulations! 🙂

  4. Annam Says:

    Excited to read the newest!

  5. I look forward to reading it and really look forward to the day all the Fathers and Sons stories are a novel of some sort I can sit back and read…’cause you do damn good stuff!

  6. donnaeve Says:

    Congrats on the story pub, Paul!!

    (Not sure what to think about anecdote versus story…)

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